
Browsing Archive: March, 2016

Interview with Sarah Doebereiner

Posted by Robert J. on Tuesday, March 15, 2016,

Tomato Slices fellow contributer Sarah Doebereiner

Sarah Doebereiner

Sarah Doebereiner is a short story author, novelist, and poet. She graduated from Wright State University in 2010 with her BA in English. Sarah lives in central Ohio with her husband and two small children. Macabre themes fascinate her because of their tendency to stay with readers long after the book has been closed.

1.      Robert: At what age did you start writing? 

Sarah: When I was in Kindergarten, we had different learning stations ...

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Tomato Slices

Posted by Robert J. on Tuesday, March 8, 2016,
     I was approached at a convention sometime in the second half of 2014 by two, sweet lady publishers concerning a project they had jointly cooked up.  "We're doing an anthology about tomatoes," they declared, "and we'd like you to submit something to it."
"Tomatoes," I repeated, stupidly.
"Yes, tomatoes; stories, facts, anecdotes, history, recipes..."
"A story about at tomato?"  I hadn't quite wrapped my mind around it."
"Yes, submit to us a story that heavily centers around tomatoes."
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An Excerpt from The Third Edition of The Stone Maiden and Other Tales.

Posted by Robert J. on Tuesday, March 1, 2016,
My newest work is old and new. It's the third edition of the work I self published several years ago.  It has been heavily edited and has had new stories added.  It's the Stone Maiden and Other Tales, which is primarily a set of stories that received both praise and rejection from those to whom they were submitted.  "Thank you so much for sharing this story, It's not quite what we're looking for in this issue, but it was so touching it made me cry.  Please continue submitting."  I thought why...
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